
CrossFit Warrior

WOD 27/09/2012

Fighting For Greatness

SEALFIT and the Unbeatable Mind

Bar Muscle up

"Adrian" WOD

WOD 26/09/2012

Different Squats for Different Purposes

"Warrior Complex" - WOW !!!!!!!


WOD 24/09/2012

"The Unknown"

The CrossFit Invitational

WOD Diaries

WOD 20/09/2012

CrossFit Whiteboard: High Intensity

5' AMRAP - Snatch Couple WOD

Crossfit women

WOD 19/09/2012


CrossFit Whiteboard: Constantly Varied

CrossFit Whiteboard: Functional Movement

WOD "Angie" 18/09/2012

Increasing Your Pullups and Pushups


About CrossFit....

WOD 16/09/2012

WOD 15/09/2012

USAW TV commercial

Army Football Strength Training

Let Me Tell You About CrossFit

Box of Salvation

Beauty in Strength !!!!

Row & Balls

"The Seven"

Always A Fire

2011 CrossFit Commercial (Super Bowl)

What's your Excuse ?

What a girls....

