Baseline: Pre- SOP, BB and ROM Drills. Run 800M, then 15 minutes of various Sand Bag Drills (70/40)
Stamina / Work Capacity: Teams of two (*) perform AFAP:
Run 1 mile
50x Dead Lift (225/155)
100x Box Jump (24/20)
50X Power Clean (155/115
100X Slam Ball (40/20)
50x Overhead Squat (115 / 75)
100x Burpees
50x Sand Bag Get Ups
Run 1 mile
*Both partners run together. One person works movement while other is in leaning rest. Goal is equal distribution of workload. If Solo then halve the movement reps (or for a challenge do as is!)
Durability: Banded Buddy Stretches, Mobility work and Post SOP.