DWOD \ 10. 01. 2018

"Complete as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:"

5 power snatches
10 overhead walking lunges
1 rope climb, 15-ft. rope

Men: 95 lb.
Women: 75 lb.

Post rounds completed to comments.

"Subs exercises for beguiners"

This is a fast-paced triplet. The barbell should be light enough that you can complete several rounds of snatches and lunges unbroken. Rest as little as possible. Aim for at least 5-6 rounds.

Intermediate Option

"Complete as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:

5 power snatches
10 overhead walking lunges
1 rope climb, 12-ft. rope

Beginner Option

"Complete as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:"

5 power snatches
10 walking lunges
1 rope climb, from lying to standing