DWOD \ 10.04.2018

50-40-30-20-10 reps for time of:

Wall-ball shots
Row (calories)
GHD sit-ups

Men: 20-lb. ball to a 10-ft. target
Women: 14-lb. ball to a 9-ft. target

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This triplet offers a high volume of each movement, with a descending rep scheme that should allow you to maintain intensity as you progress. Newer athletes should reduce the total volume and avoid the GHD.

Intermediate Option
40-30-20-10 reps for time of:
Wall-ball shots
Row (calories)

Men: 20-lb. ball to a 10-ft. target
Women: 14-lb. ball to a 9-ft. target

Beginner Option
30-20-10 reps for time of:
Wall-ball shots
Row (calories)

Men: 10-lb. ball to a 10-ft. target
Women: 6-lb. ball to a 9-ft. target