DWOD \ 10.05.2018

" 5 rounds for reps of: "

2 minutes of burpee box jumps

Rest 1 minute

Men: 36-in. box
Women: 30-in. box.

Post reps completed to comments.

Pick a box height that is challenging but doesn’t hinder you from continuing to move as you fatigue. Each 2-minute working period should be done at a quick pace so you can avoid resting until the interval is over.

Intermediate Option
5 rounds for reps of:
2 minutes of burpee box jumps
Rest 1 minute

Men: 30-in. box
Women: 24-in. box

Beginner Option
4 rounds for reps of:
2 minutes of burpee box step-ups
Rest 1 minute

Men: 15-in. box
Women: 12-in. box