DWOD / 01. 06. 2018

" Regionals Event 3 "

-- 3 rounds for time of: --

9 muscle-ups
36-ft. handstand walk
36-45-54 single-leg squats
36-ft. handstand walk

If possible, place obstacles in your handstand walk area to mimic the Regional event.

Post time to comments.

This workout contains a lot of high-skill gymnastics movements. Ignore the time cap and speed that the Regional athletes complete this workout in. Modify the movements and reps as needed while still using this as a chance to practice gymnastics skills.

Intermediate Option
3 rounds for time of:
5 muscle-ups
36-ft. handstand walk, no obstacles
36-45-54 single-leg squats
36-ft. handstand walk, no obstacles

Beginner Option
3 rounds for time of:
5 ring rows
5 jumping ring dips
36-ft. bear walk
36-45-54 single-leg squats
24-30-36 squats
36-ft. bear walk