DWOD -- 14.07.2018

" 4 rounds for time of: "

50-ft. overhead walking lunge
25 GHD sit-ups

Men: 135 lb.
Women: 95 lb.

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Both exercises in this workout challenge the midline. The overhead lunge should be relatively heavy, possibly requiring 2-3 sets to reach the full distance each round. Avoid the GHD on this one if you don’t have previous exposure to it.

Intermediate Option
4 rounds for time of:
50-ft. overhead walking lunge
15 GHD sit-ups

Men: 115 lb.
Women: 75 lb.

Beginner Option
4 rounds for time of:
50-ft. overhead walking lunge
20 sit-ups

Men: 45 lb.
Women: 35 lb.