Strict and for time:
10 pull-ups
20 push-ups
30 squats
Row 2,000 m
15 pull-ups
30 push-ups
45 squats
Row 1,000 m
20 pull-ups
40 push-ups
60 squats
Row 500 m
Post time to comments.
Hypothesis: Could Excessive Fructose Intake and Uric Acid Cause Type 2 Diabetes?
“Excessive fructose intake (>50 g/d) may be one of the underlying etiologies of metabolic syndrome and Type 2 diabetes. The primary sources of fructose are sugar (sucrose) and high-fructose corn syrup. First, fructose intake correlates closely with the rate of diabetes worldwide. Second, unlike other sugars, the ingestion of excessive fructose induces features of metabolic syndrome in both laboratory animals and humans.”