For 20 minutes perform:
Strict pull-ups - push-ups - squats
5-10-15 reps
If you can finish 8 rounds by 5:00, switch to:
10-20-30 reps
If you can finish 4 rounds by 10:00, switch to:
20-40-60 reps
If you can finish 2 rounds by 15:00, switch to:
40-80-120 reps, then stop.
Post time for completion of WOD to comments.
The Ongoing Statins Debate Haz click aquí para verlo
Dr. Uffe Ravnskov reviews the ongoing statins debate by comparing his recent publication, “LDL-C does not cause cardiovascular disease,” and the pro-statin claims of the editors of Circulation and the Cholesterol Treatment Trialists’ (CTT) Collaboration. He (along with Drs. Zoë Harcombe and Malcolm Kendrick) notes critical errors and obfuscation in the CTT’s recent Lancet meta-analysis and observes that the published data on coronary mortality, serious adverse events, and statin side effects is misrepresented, not statistically significant, or not provided for further analysis.