WOD / 14. 03. 2019

10 minutes of scale practice
10 minutes of handstand practice
10 minutes of L-sit practice
10 minutes of stretching

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Fructose-induced inflammation and increased cortisol: A new mechanism for how sugar induces visceral adiposity Haz click aquí para verlo

“Traditionally, the leading hypothesis regarding the development of obesity involves caloric imbalance, whereby the amount of calories consumed exceeds the amount of calories burned which causes obesity. Another hypothesis for why we get fat has surfaced in the last decade, which is the idea that the overconsumption of added sugars and refined carbohydrates induce insulin resistance and high insulin levels causing obesity. While insulin is a fat-storing hormone, this hypothesis does not explain visceral adiposity, or why certain people are found to have fat stored in and around their organs. We [James J. DiNicolantonio et al.] propose a new mechanism for body fattening, particularly visceral adiposity. This hypothesis involves the overconsumption of fructose, which leads to inflammation in all cells that metabolize it rapidly.”