WOD / 16. 03. 2019

With constant motion and slowly:
21 single-arm dumbbell rows, each arm
9 ring dips (deep and strict)
30 squats

15 single-arm dumbbell rows, each arm
12 ring dips
30 squats

9 single-arm dumbbell rows, each arm
15 ring dips
30 squats

Men: 50-lb. dumbbell
Women: 35-lb. dumbbell

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Movement About Joints, Part 3: Wrist Haz click aquí para verlo

The joints and muscles of the wrist are not as simple as those seen in the shoulder and elbow, where only three bones articulate. At the wrist, there are several distinct articulations between the radius, ulna, and the carpals, a group of eight bones collectively termed the carpus.