WOD 03. 04. 2019

3 rounds for time of:

5 strict L pull-ups
15 strict push-ups
5 strict L pull-ups
15 strict push-ups
Row 750 meters

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The Hyponatremia of Exercise, Part 4 Haz click aquí para verlo

Professor Tim Noakes continues his series on the “Science of Hydration” with a review of Dr. Roger W. Hubbard’s conception of “water as a tactical weapon,” developed while he worked for the United States Army Research Institute for Environmental Medicine in the 1980s. This notion of mandated water consumption as a strategy for gaining advantage on the battlefield was adopted by the U.S. military in 1988 and became the first known example of the instruction to drink “ahead of thirst”—advice that would be picked up and marketed by the American College of Sports Medicine and Gatorade Sports Science Institute to deadly effect in the years to come.