Five 3-minute rounds of:
Run 200 meters with a medicine ball
Max reps wall-ball shots
Rest 1 min. between rounds.
♀ 14-lb. ball to 9 ft.
♂ 20-lb. ball to 10 ft.
Post number of wall-ball shots completed each round to comments.
The run portion should be completed in less than 90 seconds, to allow at least 90 seconds to perform wall-ball shots. Choose a medicine ball and target height that allows you to hang on for a large set. Intermediate athletes can complete this as prescribed.
Beginner Option / Four 3-minute rounds of:
Jog 100 meters with a medicine ball
Max reps wall-ball shots
Rest 1 min. between rounds.
♀ 6-lb. ball to 8 ft.
♂ 10-lb. ball to 9 ft.