EOD @ 11. 05. 2021

For max reps of each:

5 min. of double-unders
5 min. of clean and jerks
3 min. of double-unders
3 min. of clean and jerks
1 min. of double-unders
1 min. of clean and jerks

♀ 65 lb. ♂ 95 lb.

Post reps to comments.

Many athletes will be able to complete this as prescribed, as the built-in time caps make this a good practice opportunity for those new to either of these exercises. This workout will be a very high volume for advanced athletes.

Beginner Option / For max reps of each:
5 min. of double-under practice
5 min. of clean and jerks
3 min. of double-under practice
3 min. of clean and jerks
1 min. of double-under practice
1 min. of clean and jerks

♀ 35 lb. ♂ 45 lb.