EOD @ 11. 06. 2021

Semifinals - Individual Event 4

Complete as many repetitions as possible in 10 minutes of:
10 snatches
Rest 1 minute
10 snatches
Rest 1 minute
10 snatches
Rest 1 min

Max-rep snatches in time remaining
Weight increases after each rest period.

♀ 85-125-145-165 lb.
♂ 135-185-225-245 lb.

Post reps competed to comments.

Experienced athletes should maintain the format of these snatch sets but consider starting at a lighter weight. Newer athletes should treat today’s workout as a technique day and focus on sound mechanics with lighter weight.

Intermediate Option / Complete as many repetitions as possible in 10 minutes of:
10 snatches
Rest 1 minute
10 snatches
Rest 1 minute
10 snatches
Rest 1 minute
Max-rep snatches in time remaining
Weight increases after each rest period.

♀ 75-95-115-135 lb.
♂ 115-135-165-195 lb.

Beginner Option:
Squat snatch 3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3