EOD @ 28. 11. 2021

Complete as many Echo bike calories as possible in 10 minutes while performing rounds of:

10 box jumpsbr
15 push jerksbr
20 seconds on the Echo Bikebr

♀ 20-in. box, 65-lb. jerksbr
♂ 24-in. box, 95-lb. jerks

Post total number of calories completed to comments.

This workout involves some strategy. Go all out on the bike and survive the rest, or pace it a bit and aim for more rounds. Intermediate athletes can do this workout as prescribed.br

Beginner Option / Complete as many Echo bike calories as possible in 10 minutes while performing rounds of:br
10 box jumps>
15 push jerksbr>
20 seconds on the Echo bikebr
♀ 12-in. box, 35-lb. jerksbr
♂ 18-in. box, 55-lb. jerks