EOD @ 01. 01. 2022

Saturday 220101 / Workout 13.1

Proceed through the sequence below completing as many reps as possible in 17 minutes of:

40 burpees
30 snatches, weight 1
30 burpees
30 snatches, weight 2
20 burpees
30 snatches, weight 3
10 burpees
As many snatches as possible, weight 4

♀ 45 / 75 / 100 / 120-lb snatches
♂ 75 / 135 / 165 / 210-lb snatches

Post reps completed to comments.

Beginner level athletes should spend time drilling the snatch and practice the movement with light weights.

Beginner Option / Proceed through the sequence below completing as many reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
20 burpees
15 snatches, weight 1
15 burpees
15 snatches, weight 2
10 burpees
15 snatches, weight 3
5 burpees
As many snatches as possible, weight 4

♀ 22 / 35 / 45 / 55-lb snatches
♂ 35 / 45 / 55 / 65-lb snatches