EOD @ 27. 03. 2022

Workout 3 — 2022 Individual Quarterfinal

For time:
8 wall-ball shots
4 shuttle runs
1 rope climb
16 wall-ball shots
8 shuttle runs
2 rope climbs
24 wall-ball shots
12 shuttle runs
3 rope climbs
32 wall-ball shots
16 shuttle runs
4 rope climbs
24 wall-ball shots
12 shuttle runs
3 rope climbs
16 wall-ball shots
8 shuttle runs
2 rope climbs
8 wall-ball shots
4 shuttle runs
1 rope climb

Time cap: 25 minutes

♀ 14-lb medicine ball, 10-ft target, 50-ft shuttle (25 out, 25 back), 15-ft rope
♂ 20-lb medicine ball, 10-ft target, 50-ft shuttle (25 out, 25 back), 15-ft rope

Intermediate athletes can complete this workout as prescribed and just stop at the 25-minute cap. Choose a medicine ball that allows you to complete the large middle rounds in no more than 3 sets. Consider reducing the number of shuttle runs.

Beginner Option:
6-lb medicine ball, 9-ft target, 25-ft shuttle (out and back counts as 2), lying to standing rope climbs
10-lb medicine ball, 9-ft target, 25-ft shuttle (out and back counts as 2), lying to standing rope climbs