EOD @ 03. 05. 2022

5 rounds for time of:

Max-calorie row in 60 seconds
Turkish get-ups

♀ 25-lb TGU ♂ 50-lb TGU

Complete a total of 40 reps (or calories) each round. For example, if you row 25 calories, complete 15 Turkish get-ups that round. If you row 30 calories, complete 10 Turkish get-ups that round.

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Rowing hard on this workout rewards you with fewer reps of the Turkish get-up and likely a faster time. Push it on the row. Intermediate athletes can perform this workout as prescribed.

Beginner Option / 3 rounds for time of:
Max-calorie row in 60 seconds
Turkish get-ups

♀ 15-lb TGU ♂ 25-lb TGU

Complete a total of 30 reps (or calories) each round. For example, if you row 15 calories, complete 15 Turkish get-ups that round. If you row 20 calories, complete 10 Turkish get-ups that round.