EOD @ 13. 05. 2022

Complete as many rounds as possible in 45 minutes of:

Run 800 meters
10 deadlifts
Run 800 meters
50 sit-ups

♀ 215 lb ♂ 315 lb

Post rounds completed to comments.

This workout requires steady output and pacing. Find a load for the deadlift that is challenging but not so heavy that you’re unable to maintain the points of performance.

Intermediate Option / Complete as many rounds as possible in 45 minutes of:
Run 800 meters
10 deadlifts
Run 800 meters
50 sit-ups

♀ 175 lb ♂ 255 lb

Beginner Option / Complete as many rounds as possible in 30 minutes of:
Run 400 meters
10 deadlifts
Run 400 meters
30 sit-ups

♀ 95 lb ♂ 135 lb