EOD @ 18. 06. 2022

Eva Strong / With a partner, 5 rounds for time of:

24 double-unders (each)
19 toes-to-bars (total)
2 clean and jerks (total)
400-m run (together)

♀ 135 lb ♂ 205 lb

Post time to comments.

If you don’t have a partner, reduce the toes-to-bar reps to 10 and perform only 1 clean and jerk per round. Newer athletes should reduce the loading and modify the toes-to-bars.

Intermediate Option / With a partner, 5 rounds for time of:
24 double-unders (each)
19 toes-to-bars (total)
2 clean and jerks (total)
400-m run (together)

♀ 105 lb ♂ 155 lb

Beginner Option / With a partner, 4 rounds for time of:
24 single-unders (each)
19 hanging knee-raises (total)
2 clean and jerks (total)
400-m run (together)

♀ 65 lb ♂ 95 lb