"Last-Chance Qualifier Workout 1"
From 0-2 minutes:
20 thrusters
Max-rep bar muscle-ups in the time remaining
Rest 2 minutes
From 4-6 minutes:
20 bar muscle-ups
Max-rep thrusters in the time remaining
♀ 125 lb ♂ 185 lb
Post reps of each to comments.
The Last-Chance Qualifier workouts are designed to separate the very, very good from the best. Most CrossFit athletes will need to scale them to maintain a good workout. For Workout 1, reduce the loading on the thruster and reduce the reps as needed so you can spend about half the time on thrusters and half the time on bar muscle-ups.
Intermediate Option / From 0-2 minutes:
10 thrusters
Max-rep bar muscle-ups in the time remaining Rest 2 minutes
From 4-6 minutes:
10 bar muscle-ups
Max-rep thrusters in the time remaining
♀ 95 lb ♂ 135 lb
Beginner Option / From 0-2 minutes:
10 thrusters
Max-rep assisted pull-ups in the time remaining
Rest 2 minutes
From 4-6 minutes:
10 assisted pull-ups
Max-rep thrusters in the time remaining
♀ 45 lb ♂ 65 lb