"Last-Chance Qualifier Workout 2"
For max distance:
2,000-m row
Max-distance handstand walk in the time remaining
♀ 9-minute time cap
♂ 8-minute time cap
Post handstand distance to comments.
The Last-Chance Qualifier workouts are designed to separate the very, very good from the best. Most CrossFit athletes will need to scale them to maintain a good workout. For Workout 2, extend the time cap to allow adequate time for the handstand work. Add roughly 2 minutes to your PR 2K row time. Newer athletes can avoid getting inverted today and instead go for max reps of a pushing exercise.
Intermediate Option / For max distance:
2,000-m row
Max-distance handstand walk in the time remaining
♀ 10-minute time cap
♂ 9-minute time cap
Beginner Option / For max reps:
1,500-m row Max-rep push-ups in the time remaining
♀ 10-minute time cap
♂ 9-minute time cap