EOD @ 04. 08. 2022

Bike to Work / For time:

75 toes-to-bars
5-mile bike
75 chest-to-bar pull-ups
5-mile bike

If you have a bike and a 3-mile course, great. If not, choose a stationary bike and complete the whole workout inside.

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This is a long workout with large sets of toes-to-bars and pull-ups. If either takes you more than 5 minutes, reduce the reps and move on.

Intermediate Option / For time:
50 toes-to-bars
3.5-mile bike
50 chest-to-bar pull-ups

3.5-mile bike

Beginner Option / For time:
35 hanging knee raises
2.5-mile bike
35 assisted pull-ups
2.5-mile bike