WOD @ 03. 09. 2022

Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:

4 bar muscle-ups
6 dumbbell Turkish get-ups
8 ring push-ups

♀ 30-lb TGU ♂ 45-lb TGU

Post rounds completed to comments.

Modify the bar muscle-up and reduce the weight so you’re able to work through the reps with minimal rest.

Intermediate Option / Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:
3 bar muscle-ups
6 dumbbell Turkish get-ups
8 ring push-ups

♀ 20-lb TGU ♂ 30-lb TGU

Beginner Option / Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:
4 jumping bar muscle-ups
6 dumbbell Turkish get-ups
8 push-ups

♀ 10-lb TGU ♂ 15-lb TGU