WOD @ 08. 12. 2022


5 rounds for time of:
20 pull-ups
40 push-ups
60 squats



5 rounds for time of:
20 handstand push-ups
40 pull-ups
60 single-leg squats, alternating legs

Share your choice of workout and time in the comments.

Candy and Maggie are the less-frequently seen cousins of Cindy and Mary. Newer athletes should stick with variants of Candy and modify the movements and reps to limit muscular failure.

Intermediate Option / 4 rounds for time of:
20 pull-ups
40 push-ups
60 squats


4 rounds for time of:
20 handstand push-ups
40 pull-ups
60 single-leg squats, alternating legs

Beginner Option / 4 rounds for time of:
10 jumping pull-ups
20 knee push-ups
30 squats