WOD @ 01. 02. 2023

10 x 80-yard shuttle sprints
Rest as needed between efforts.

For each sprint, run 10 yards out, 10 back, 20 out, 20 back, 10 out, 10 back.

Post best and worst times to comments.

Warm up appropriately before beginning these shuttle repeats. Spend roughly 10 minutes on a general warm-up, followed by 10-15 minutes on sprint-specific warm-up drills. Each sprint should be a max effort. Beginner-level athletes should reduce the number of rounds. Intermediate athletes can do this workout as prescribed.

Beginner Option:
5 80-yard shuttle runs
Rest as needed between efforts.

For each sprint, run 10 yards out, 10 back, 20 out, 20 back, 10 out, 10 back.