WOD @ 20. 04. 2023

Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of: 20 weighted box step-ups
20 weighted walking lunges
40 weighted sit-ups (single dumbbell)

♀ 25-lb DBs, 20-in box
♂ 35-lb DBs, 24-in box

Athletes of all levels should attempt to hold a consistent pace throughout today’s workout. Newer athletes can reduce the load or drop it entirely in order to keep moving.

Intermediate Option / Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
20 weighted box step-ups
20 weighted walking lunges
40 weighted sit-ups (single dumbbell)

♀ 20-lb DBs, 20-in box
♂ 30-lb DBs, 24-in box

Beginner Option / 4 rounds for time of:
20 box step-ups
20 walking lunges
40 sit-ups