WOD @ 02. 05. 2023

4 rounds for time of:
25 pull-ups
Run 200 meters
15 box jump-overs*
Run 200 meters

*For the box jump-overs, jump completely over the box.

♀ 12-in box ♂ 20-in box

Post time to comments.

Newer athletes should reduce the pull-up volume and modify the movement if you are unable to string together 10 reps. For the box jump-overs, choose to land on top of the box, and step down.

Intermediate Option / 4 rounds for time of:
15 pull-ups
Run 200 meters
15 box jump-overs*
Run 200 meters

*For the box jump-overs, jump completely over the box.

♀ 12-in box ♂ 20-in box

Beginner Option / 3 rounds for time of:
15 assisted pull-ups
Run 200 meters
15 box jumps
Run 200 meters

♀ 12-in box ♂ 20-in box