WOD @ 13. 07. 2023

10 rounds for reps of:

30 seconds of burpees
Rest 30 seconds
30 seconds of dumbbell thrusters
Rest 30 seconds

♀ 30-lb. DBs ♂ 45-lb. DBs

Post reps completed to comments.

Deconditioned athletes should reduce the number of rounds. Reduce the loading on the dumbbells if you are unable to hold onto the weights for 30 seconds.
Intermediate Option / 7 rounds for reps of:
30 seconds of burpees
Rest 30 seconds
30 seconds of dumbbell thrusters
Rest 30 seconds

♀ 20-lb. DBs ♂ 30-lb. DBs

Beginner Option / 5 rounds for reps of:
30 seconds of burpees
Rest 30 seconds
30 seconds of dumbbell thruster
Rest 30 seconds

♀ 10-lb. DBs ♂ 15-lb. DBs