5 rounds for time of:
2-mile (3,200 meter) bike ride
10 muscle-ups
10 deadlifts
♀ 185 lb ♂ 275 lb
Get outside - do the bike ride on a real bike. The more varied terrain you can include, the better!
If you're unable to ride outside, modify to an Echo bike or Concept2 BikeErg. If you do not yet have a muscle-up, modify the movement to a pulling and pushing exercise, preferably on the rings. Reduce the loading on the deadlift.
Intermediate option / 4 rounds for time of:
2-mile (3,200 meter) bike ride
7 muscle-ups
10 deadlifts
♀ 155 lb ♂ 225 lb
Beginner option / 3 rounds for time of:
1-mile (1,600 meter) bike ride
5x: [3 ring rows + 3 jumping dips]
10 deadlifts
♀ 65 lb ♂ 95 lb