WOD @ 09. 10. 2023

Guest Programmer - 4 rounds for time of:
Row 500 meters
50 double-unders
5x [1 wall walk + 1 strict wall-facing handstand push-up]

200-ft overhead walking lunge

♀ 25-lb plate ♂ 45-lb plate

Post time to comments.

Full Session
If you want to perform the additional elements Ben would program for CrossFit Krypton, begin today's session with heavy shoulder presses. Build up to a heavy set of 3 for the day in a total of 5 sets. Then, complete the 4-round workout.

Shoulder press 3-3-3-3-3 reps

Post loads and time to comments.

If you do not have double-unders, read “Jump Rope Basics” and practice single-unders. Modify the handstand push-up to a pushing exercise that challenges your current abilities while allowing you to keep working for 5 sets without hitting failure.

Intermediate option / 4 rounds for time of:
Row 500 meters
50 double-unders
5x [1 wall walk + 1 strict wall-facing handstand push-up to 2 AbMats]

200-ft overhead walking lunge

♀ 15-lb plate ♂ 35-lb plate
Beginner option / 3 rounds for time of:
Row 300 meters
50 single-unders
5x [1 push-up + 1 wall walk]

200-ft walking lunge (unweighted)