EOD @ 18. 11. 2023

7 rounds for time of:
3 clean and jerks
50 double-unders

♀ 125 lb
♂ 185 lb

For every failed double-under, perform 3 burpees over the bar at the end of each round.

Post time to comments.

This should be a fast-paced couplet that balances strength and precision. Reduce the load of the clean and jerks to complete 3 reps in under 45 seconds. Modify the jump rope and burpee penalty to complete both movements in under 2 minutes each round.

Intermediate option / 7 rounds for time of:
3 clean and jerks
20 double-unders

♀ 95 lb
♂ 135 lb

For every failed double-under, perform 3 burpees over the bar at the end of each round.

Beginner option / 7 rounds for time of:
3 clean and jerks
20 single-unders
5 burpees

♀ 55 lb
♂ 75 lb


"Movement Resources"