EOD @ 22. 11. 2023

For reps:
3 minutes of ring muscle-ups 3 minutes of shoulder presses
2 minutes of ring muscle-ups
2 minutes of shoulder presses
1 minute of ring muscle-ups
1 minute of shoulder presses

♀ 95 lb
♂ 135 lb

Post reps to comments.

Reduce the load of the shoulder press. Make sure you can perform at least 3 unbroken reps before breaking. If you are unable to perform ring muscle-ups, practice the movement holding you back (e.g., chest-to-bar pull-up, ring dip, low-ring transitions

Intermediate option / For reps:
3 minutes of kipping ring pull-ups
3 minutes of shoulder presses
2 minutes of kipping ring pull-ups
2 minutes of shoulder presses
1 minute of kipping ring pull-ups
1 minute of shoulder presses

♀ 65 lb
♂ 95 lb

Beginner option / For reps:
3 minutes of low-ring transitions
3 minutes of shoulder presses
2 minutes of low-ring transitions
2 minutes of shoulder presses
1 minute of low-ring transitions
1 minute of shoulder presses

♀ 35 lb
♂ 45 lb

"Movement Resources"