EOD @ 27. 11. 2023

For time:
50-ft handstand walk
21 bar muscle-ups
50-ft handstand walk
15 bar muscle-ups
50-ft handstand walk
9 bar muscle-ups
50-ft handstand walk

Post time to comments.

Reduce the volume of bar muscle-ups so that you can complete 21 reps in 5 sets or less. Spend no more than 1 minute completing each handstand walk.

Intermediate option / For time:
5 wall walks
9 bar muscle-ups
5 wall walks
6 bar muscle-ups
5 wall walks
3 bar muscle-ups
5 wall walks

Beginner option / For time:
12 inchworms + push-up
9 jumping pull-ups
9 inchworms + push-up
6 jumping pull-ups
6 inchworms + push-up
3 jumping pull-ups
3 inchworms + push-up

"Movement Resources"