Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
20 single-under crossovers
10 burpee pull-ups
12 GHD sit-ups
Post rounds and reps to comments.
Goal: Conditioning + pulling endurance.
Notes From Michele:
This is our homage to the Open and Quarterfinals coming soon! It's a bodyweight workout that can make you dizzy!
Last year, we faced single-under crossovers and burpee pull-ups. Today, we're combining these two movements with one that will interfere by adding a large range of motion hip flexion. There is no rest unless you've practiced your single-under crossovers.
Slow and steady wins the race. These movements take various times and rushing, especially on the crossovers, can cause unnecessary mistakes. There's no real rhythm in this workout so you'll need to adapt to the speed of execution of each movement. The burpee pull-ups will eat up a lot of time, but if you move efficiently, creating the same steps for each rep, you will find the rhythm. The GHD sit-ups will feel the most chaotic since it's a high-velocity movement, but we can control that by taking a quick breath at the top of each rep and controlling our descent with the help of gravity. To help with proper mechanics and prevent dizziness, keep your gaze neutral and focus on a point far away from you such as where the wall meets the ceiling.
Intermediate option / Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
4 x [4 single-unders + 1 crossover]
10 burpee jumping pull-ups
12 GHD sit-ups to parallel
The biggest sticking point in this workout is the technical demand of the crossovers. This is why we've split the work into short sets with one crossover at the end. If this is not a challenge, reduce the number of single-unders completed between crossovers until 20 total jumps have been accumulated. The pull-up bar should sit 2-3 inches below the wrists for the jumping pull-ups.
Beginner option / Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
20 single-unders
6 up-down jumping pull-ups
12 AbMat sit-ups
Beginner athletes should start at a conservative pace. Approach this workout as you would a 5K run: You wouldn’t begin at a 400-meter sprint pace. Aim to keep the single-unders as smooth as possible; that’s your recovery time.
"Movement Resources"