EOD @ 09. 12. 2023

On a running clock / 0:00-10:00:
1 snatch high pull
1 hang power snatch

Complete the following complex for max load:
1 power snatch
2 hang squat snatches

For Part 1: Start at 30% of your max snatch and work up to 50%. For Part 2: Make as many attempts as desired within the 10-minute window.

Post load to comments.

Goal: Technical practice and application. Percentages are based on your best power snatch.

Focus on continuous leg drive and elevating the bar. If the second pull is not executed efficiently, you won’t be able to lift as much load.

When time starts, athletes begin with 30% of their best snatch, or what they consider to be a light weight, and work up in load using the complex of 1 snatch high pull + 1 hang power snatch until they hit about 50%.

At the 10-minute mark:
Athletes move on to their working window and hit the complex of 1 power snatch + 2 hang squat snatches as heavy as possible.

Athletes cannot drop the bar between their power snatch and hang squat snatch.


Intermediate option:
Intermediate athletes can perform this workout as prescribed.

Beginner option / From 0:00-10:00:
Practice the following complex with an empty bar or a light weight:
1 hang snatch pull
1 hang power snatch

From 10:00-20:00 / Work up to a heavy set of: 3 hang power snatches

"Movement Resources"