Chaos / As many rounds as possible in 7 minutes of:
10 thrusters
10 bar-facing burpees
♀ 65 lb
♂ 95 lb
Chaos is a Deka Comp benchmark consisting of two fundamental CrossFit movements. The level of intensity reached in this workout should send you to a “dark place.”
Move quickly, but understand that 7 minutes is a challenging time frame to sustain speed. Your reps should be unbroken and methodical.
Enough said.
Good luck!
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Intermediate option / As many rounds as possible in 7 minutes of:
10 thrusters
10 bar-facing burpees
♀ 55 lb
♂ 75 lb
Beginner option / As many rounds as possible in 7 minutes of:
7 thrusters
7 up-down bar step-overs
♀ 35 lb
♂ 45 lb
Focus on hitting depth in the bottom of each thruster and achieving lockout at the top.
"Movement Resources"