EOD @ 08. 04. 2024

5 sets / On a 2-minute clock:
400-meter run
Complete as many knees-to-elbows as possible in the remaining time.

*Rest 2 minutes between sets.

Post reps to comments.

Today’s workout contains five sprints. The pace is meant to be pushed on each run so you can give yourself as much time as possible to perform knees-to-elbows. Scale the distance of the run to give yourself at least 20 seconds on the pull-up bar. Work hard and have fun today.

Intermediate option / 5 sets / On a 2-minute clock:
300-meter run
Complete as many knees-to-elbows as possible in the remaining time.

*Rest 2 minutes between sets.

Beginner option / 5 sets / On a 2-minute clock:
200-meter run
Complete as many hanging knee raises as possible in the remaining time.

*Rest 2 minutes between sets.

"Movement Resources"