EOD @ 19. 06. 2024

"Strict Lynne" / 5 rounds for max reps of:

Bodyweight bench presses
Strict pull-ups

Post reps for both exercises in all rounds to comments.

This workout offers 5 max-effort attempts at each exercise, regardless of how you modify the movements. Choose something that will allow you to perform at least 7 reps of each, even as you fatigue. Give yourself at least 3 minutes (no more than 5 minutes) of rest after the pull-ups before beginning the next round of bench presses so you recover enough to get another big set. Less-experienced athletes should reduce the load of the barbell and the difficulty of the pull-up. All athletes should perform the bench presses with a buddy — spotting this movement is super important. If you don’t have a spotter, don’t push to failure. You may also consider using dumbbells as an alternative.

Intermediate option / 5 rounds for max reps of:

3/4-bodyweight bench presses

Beginner option / 5 rounds for max reps of:

Ring rows