EOD @ 25. 06. 2024

"Guest Programmer – Christian Harris"< /a>
June 25-July 7, 2024

50-40-30 reps for time of:
GHD sit-ups
Calories on the ski erg
* Complete a 100-foot handstand walk after each set.

Today’s workout will test your ability to handstand walk under a good amount of midline fatigue. The goal here is to keep your sets on the GHD sit-ups to 4 sets or less and ski-erg calories at a pace that allows you to kick up into the handstand walk with minimal transition time. Consider modifying the handstand walk to either a bear crawl for the same distance or 5-4-3 reps of wall walks. Some may experience a bit of “vertigo” due to the repetitive up-and-down movements. If you don’t have experience with this combination of movements, consider reducing the reps of the sit-ups and calories on the ski erg, and the distance on the handstand walk.

Intermediate option / 30-20-10 reps for time of:
GHD sit-ups to parallel
Calories on the ski erg
* Complete a 50-foot handstand walk after each set.

Beginner option / 20-15-10 reps for time of:
Calories on the ski erg
* Complete a 50-foot bear crawl after each set.