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"Guest Programmer – Christian Harris"< /a>
June 28, 2024
Snatch 3-2-2-1-1-1 reps
**Finish with 10 minutes of working on pegboards.**
The first part of today’s workout presents a chance to challenge yourself with weights that push your limits. Focus completely on today's lifts — they should demand your full attention. Experienced and intermediate athletes might aim for personal records with max-effort lifts. Beginners should use today to refine technique and become accustomed to heavier weights.
The objective in the second part is to develop confidence with pegboard technique and improve spatial awareness. Take advantage of this low-intensity setting to practice this intricate skill. Advanced athletes may consider performing 1-2 reps every minute for 10 minutes. Intermediate and beginner athletes may work on pegboard pull-up variations. Try 1-2 sets of 3-5 reps of each variation.
Pegboard pull-up variations include:
-Feet on wall, even grip
-Feet on wall, uneven/staggered grip
-Dead hang, even grip
-Dead hang, uneven/staggered grip
Intermediate option: Same as Rx’d.
Beginner option: Same as Rx’d.
Coaching Cues:
Think of the snatch like a race car driving around a turn on a track. If the car goes too fast around the turn, it will run off the track. Instead, the car is patient around the turn. As it gets into the next straight away, it steps on the gas and takes off. In terms of the snatch, if you move too quickly around the knees, you will “run off the track.” You will get pulled out of position and the lift will be lost. Instead, you must be patient as you pass the knees. Once you get past the knees and brush the thighs, you can step on the gas and execute the lift.