EOD @ 01. 07. 2024

"Guest Programmer – Christian Harris"< /a>
July 01, 2024

Every minute on the minute for 20 minutes:

Minute 1: 6 clean and jerks
Minute 2: 12 strict handstand push-ups
Minute 3: 60 double unders
Minute 4: 14/18-calorie row

♀ 95-lb barbell
♂ 135-lb barbell

Today’s workout is a 20-minute EMOM which stands for “every minute on the minute.” There are 4 minutes to rotate through, so you will do 5 rounds of each movement. Minute 1 begins with 6 clean and jerks, which should be an opportunity to choose a loading that allows for touch-and-go reps. For Minute 2, allow no more than 45 seconds to complete the 12 strict handstand push-ups. Consider modifying to kipping handstand push-ups if you’re only able to complete a couple of reps strict. Modify the double-unders to singles if needed. For the row, athletes will need to push to get that amount of calories completed within the minute. This one rewards those who start each minute on time and finish the work quickly, so move fast!

Intermediate option / Every minute on the minute for 20 minutes:

Minute 1: 6 clean and Jerks
Minute 2: 6 handstand push-ups
Minute 3: 30 double-unders
Minute 4: 9/12-calorie row

♀ 65-lb barbell
♂ 95-lb barbell

Beginner option / Every minute on the minute for 20 minutes:

Minute 1: 6 clean and Jerks
Minute 2: 6 push-ups from the knees
Minute 3: 30 single-under
Minute 4: 6/9-calorie row

♀ 35-lb barbell
♂ 45-lb barbell