EOD @ 02. 07, 2024

"Guest Programmer – Christian Harris"< /a>
July 02, 2024

For time:
50 dumbbell box step-ups
40 box jumps
30 dumbbell thrusters

♀ 20-inch box and 35-lb dumbbells
♂ 24-inch box and 50-lb dumbbells

The goal for today’s workout is to finish in under 8 minutes. Keep the dumbbell box step-ups to big sets of around 10. The 40 box jumps should be a smooth and steady pace with a step down each rep. The dumbbell thrusters at the end are a gut check. Start with a minimum set of 10 reps and manage from there with the remaining reps. Modify accordingly to meet the intended stimulus.

Intermediate option / For time:
50 dumbbell box step-ups
40 box jumps
30 dumbbell thrusters

♀ 20-inch box and 20-lb dumbbells
♂ 24-inch box and 35-lb dumbbells

Beginner option / For time:
30 dumbbell box step-ups
25 box jumps
20 dumbbell thrusters

♀ 12-inch box and 10-lb dumbbells
♂ 20-inch box and 15-lb dumbbells