For time: 30 strict ring muscle-ups
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Today’s workout is a single-modality gymnastics effort. More advanced athletes should challenge their muscular stamina and move through the reps as quickly as possible. Less-experienced athletes who have the capacity to perform a few strict muscle-ups should try to accumulate as many as possible in a 15-minute window. Athletes without the capacity to perform strict muscle-ups should choose modifications that work both pulling and pushing strength (e.g., strict pull-ups, banded strict pull-ups, false-grip ring rows, strict ring dips, and push-ups).
Intermediate option: Complete as many reps as possible in 15 minutes:
Strict muscle-ups
Beginner option / 10 rounds for time:
3 ring rows
3 push-ups
Coaching cues:
Before you simply skip today, consider this: The muscle-up might be difficult to perform, but it is also unrivaled in building upper-body strength and perhaps most important of all, a critical survival skill.
This movement gets you from under things to on top of them. And when it comes to preparing for the unknown and unknowable, that might be one of the most important adaptations to develop.
Don’t have a muscle-up yet? No problem. Note today’s scaling options and dedicate some time to improving skill and building strength to get there.
"Developing a Muscle-up"