EOD @ 10. 07. 2024

3 rounds for time of:

800/1,000-meter row
150-foot handstand walk

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Today’s workout is a longer effort. Getting upside down is much more challenging when you are exhausted. Advanced athletes should aim to push the pace on the rower. This will test capacity in the handstand walk. Less-experienced athletes should conserve energy on the rower in preparation for the handstand walk. Intermediate athletes who have handstand walks, but struggle with longer distances, should challenge themselves to grind through today’s workout. If necessary for time constraints, scale to 2 rounds, but keep the prescribed distances.

Intermediate option / 3 rounds for time of:

800/1,000-meter row
75-foot handstand walk

Beginner option / 3 rounds for time of:

400/500-meter row
75-foot bear crawl

Coaching cues:
Row at a submaximal effort that allows for a quick transition to the handstand walk variation. Shoot to row at or slightly faster than your average 5K pace. Due to the combination of movements, try to relax your shoulders while focusing on an aggressive leg drive on the row, and potentially reduce your pace for the last 100 meters to allow for better performance on the handstand walking.