WOD @ 16. 08. 2024

Complete 1 complex every 3 minutes for a total of 7 sets for max load:

1 power clean
1 hang squat clean
1 shoulder-to-overhead

-Add load as technique allows.

Today’s workout is a lifting complex. Once you perform the power clean, the barbell should not return to the ground until you complete the shoulder-to-overhead or if you fail a rep. The goal is to build up to your heaviest weight in the complex. After completing the complex, you should have around 2:30 of rest. Take this rest time to recover and prepare for the next lift. During this time, you can also add weight, subtract weight, or keep it the same.

All athletes should not let their intensity overshadow the importance of lifting with proper technique. If your technique is good, then add load. If you feel yourself getting sloppy, reduce the loading or try to improve your technique at the same load.

Intermediate option / Same as Rx’d.

Beginner option / Complete 1 complex every 3 minutes for a total of 7 sets:

1 power clean
1 hang power clean
1 front squat
1 shoulder-to-overhead

-Add load as technique allows.

Coaching cues:
Do you catch yourself jumping forward during your cleans? It could be due to an early arm pull. Think about shrugging the bar up to your shoulders and only bending your elbow at the very last moment to pull your body under the bar.