6 rounds for time of:
14/18-calorie row
30-foot sandbag carry
♀ 100 lb
♂ 150 lb
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Today’s workout is a medium-duration sprint. The goal is to be under 10 minutes for the best and 12 minutes and under for everyone else. The row should be scaled to take less than a minute in the first 3 rounds, and the sandbag carry should be at a loading that allows you to grab it and go unbroken for all 6 rounds. This is a low-skill workout — put your head down and do the work. Nothing other than your desire to take a break should slow you down. If you do not have a sandbag, hold two kettlebells or dumbbells in the front-rack position and walk the same distance.
Intermediate option / 6 rounds for time of:
12/15-calorie row
30-foot sandbag carry
♀ 70 lb
♂ 100 lb
Beginner option / 6 rounds for time of:
8/10-calorie row
30-foot plate carry
♀ 25-lb plate
♂ 45-lb plate