WOD @ 01. 10. 2024

30-20-10 reps for time of:
Single-arm Russian kettlebell swings, right arm
Single-arm Russian kettlebell swings, left arm
Kettlebell goblet squats

♀ 53 lb
♂ 70 lb

There is one goal for today's workout: hang on to the kettlebell for as long as possible. The loading of the kettlebell should allow you to perform at least 10 single-arm swings every time you pick up the bell. The same is true for the goblet squats. Try to hang on for bigger sets, and don’t put the kettlebell down when you get to your set of 10. Aim to complete today’s workout in 10 minutes or less.

Intermediate option / 30-20-10 reps for time of:
Single-arm Russian kettlebell swings, right arm
Single-arm Russian kettlebell swings, left arm
Kettlebell goblet squats

♀ 35 lb
♂ 53 lb

Beginner option / 20-15-10 reps for time of:
Single-arm Russian kettlebell swings, right arm
Single-arm Russian kettlebell swings, left arm
Kettlebell goblet squats

♀ 18 lb
♂ 26 lb

Coaching cues:
In the single-arm Russian swing, pull the chest up away from the kettlebell and let gravity bring it back down between the legs.