WOD @ 02. 10. 2024

For time:
800-meter run
25 kipping pull-ups
800-meter run
25 strict pull-ups
800-meter run
25 weighted pull-ups

♀ 20 lb
♂ 35 lb

Today’s workout is a longer endurance- and stamina-based effort. The run distance stays the same and the difficulty of the pull-up increases. For athletes who are capable of performing the variety of these pull-ups but not the volume, consider adjusting the reps to no less than 15 and adjusting the load of the dumbbell to accommodate your capacity. If you can not perform a particular pull-up in this workout, scale to a challenging variation based on the suggestions below. Aim to keep the run efforts to around 5 minutes or less. The weighted pull-ups will take the most time; however, these should not take more than 5 minutes to complete.

Modification suggestions:
Kipping pull-ups - Reduce reps, jumping pull-ups
Strict pull-ups - Reduce reps, banded pull-ups, ring rows
Weighted pull-ups - Reduce reps, reduce load, banded pull-ups, ring rows

Intermediate option / For time:
800-meter run
20 kipping pull-ups
800-meter run
20 strict pull-ups
800-meter run
20 weighted pull-ups

♀ 10 lb
♂ 15 lb

Beginner option / For time:
400-meter run
12 jumping pull-ups
400-meter run
12 ring rows
400-meter run
12 banded pull-ups
Coaching cues:
Just because a movement is strict does not mean that the movement needs to be “slow.”